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Partner Guide

The VeeCode Platform enables Admins to create partner accounts and grant them access to specific API services. As a partner, you will be able to manage your assigned services, applications, and generate API credentials. This guide will provide a detailed walkthrough for partners, focusing on credentials management and OAuth2 authentication.

Disclaimer: While the primary purpose of creating applications is intended for partners, it is important to note that Admins also have the ability to create and manage applications if necessary.

Partner Registration

To get started as a partner, you must first self-register on the Developer Portal. This step is crucial, as Admins can only grant access to partners who have completed the self-registration process.

  1. Visit the Developer Portal and follow the registration process to create your partner account.
  2. Once your account is created, an Admin can grant you access to specific services.

Note: The VeeCode Platform uses Keycloak for authentication.

Managing Assigned Services

After an Admin grants you access to one or more services, you can log in to the Developer Portal and manage your assigned services:

  1. Sign in to the Developer Portal using your partner credentials.
  2. Once logged in, you will have access to the services assigned to you by the Admin.

Managing Applications

As a partner with access to services, you can create applications within those services. Here's how:

  1. Log in to the Developer Portal with your partner account.
  2. Navigate to the "Applications" section in the side menu, where you will see all the applications you have registered.
  3. To create a new application, click on "Create Application."
  4. Fill in the required information, such as the application name, and select the services (from the dropdown list) assigned to you by the Admin.
  5. Save the new application.

Once the application is created, it will be listed on the "Applications" page. You can click on a specific application to view its details and edit its settings if necessary.

Generating API Credentials

With an application created, a partner can generate API credentials to access their application. The available credential types are OAuth2, KeyAuth, or none. Follow these steps to generate credentials:

  1. Navigate to the "Applications" section in the Developer Portal.
  2. Select the application for which you want to generate credentials.
  3. Click on the "Credentials" tab to view the list of existing credentials for the selected application.

Creating OAuth2 Credentials

In the "Credentials" tab, you can create OAuth2 credentials for your application. Here's how:

  1. Click on the "Create Credential" button and select "OAuth2" as the credential type.
  2. Fill in the required information, such as the client ID, client secret, and other relevant details.
  3. Save the new OAuth2 credential.

The newly created OAuth2 credential will be listed on the "Credentials" tab. To access the authentication details for the OAuth2 credential, click on the information icon next to the credential.

Accessing OAuth2 Authentication Instructions

Once you have created an OAuth2 credential for your application, you can access detailed instructions on how to authenticate your application using the OAuth2 protocol:

  1. In the "Credentials" tab, find the OAuth2 credential you created earlier.
  2. Click on the information icon next to the credential to view the authentication instructions.
  3. Follow the provided steps to authenticate your application using the OAuth2 protocol.

By following this comprehensive guide, partners can effectively manage applications, API credentials, and OAuth2 authentication within the VeeCode Platform. Remember that all partner access and service assignments are managed by the Admin, who also has the ability to create and manage applications if needed.