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Software Templates

Welcome to our Developer Portal documentation! In this tutorial, we will explain how to use one of our tools, which is the creation of components from a template. This feature provides a basic and predefined structure for the creation of projects or components, allowing developers to focus on specific development aspects without worrying about the initial configuration and structuring of the project.

Getting Started

To access the template creation feature, go to the home page of the Developer Portal and select the "Create" tab on the sidebar menu. There, you will have access to all of the project templates available for your Developer Portal.

Registering an Existing Component

To register an existing component, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Register a existing component".
  2. Enter the URL to your source code repository to add it to the Devportal.
  3. Link to an existing entity file, Example:

The wizard analyzes the file, previews the entities, and adds them to the Devportal catalog.

Link to a repository GitHub only. Example:

The wizard discovers all catalog-info.yaml files in the repository, previews the entities, and adds them to the Devportal catalog.

If no entities are found, the wizard will prepare a Pull Request that adds an example catalog-info.yaml and prepares the Devportal catalog to load all entities as soon as the Pull Request is merged.

Using Templates

To use a template, go to the templates page and filter by favorites, tags, or names. Select the template you want to use, and you will have access to a brief description, link to the source code, and link to the documentation for that template.

Once you have selected the template, click on the "choose" button to start the template configuration process.

Template Configuration

The first step in the template configuration process is to enter the project information, including the name, description, Java version, and application port.

The next step is to configure the database by choosing which database to use and entering the username and password for authentication. If you do not want to link a database, you can skip this step.

After the database configuration, you can configure the CI/CD pipeline by selecting the provider, owner, and repository. In this step, you also have the option to configure the Kong export for Kubernetes by selecting the checkbox. If you want to include the mock server, you can add the URL of your mock server host.

In the next step, you can define the location of the OpenAPI files, which we call the Spec House. This is where our portal reads the files and makes them available in the catalog for your viewing.

Finally, you can choose the destination of the build by entering the provider, owner, and repository information.

Template Creation

After filling in all of the configuration inputs, you can view a summary of your inputs on the overview page. Once you have validated the information, click on "create" to create your template. You will have direct access to the template creation log, where your information will be bound to the template parameters and published through the pipeline. Once the process is completed, you will have access to the link of the cataloged component and the source code of the created component.


Congratulations! You have now learned how to use the template creation feature in the Developer Portal. In case of any errors during the process, you can restart the build and view the log to correct any issues. If you have any further questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for using our platform!

To help you get started, we've also included a video that demonstrates how to navigate the softwares templates. Please click on the video below to watch and learn!