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DevPortal Installation

In this step, you will install DevPortal by configuring GitHub credentials and integrating them into the Kubernetes environment. This process includes creating an OAuth application on GitHub and generating an access token.


Before starting the installation of DevPortal, you will need:

  • A GitHub access token.
  • GitHub Client ID and Client Secret.
  • An existing Kubernetes cluster.
  • A DNS name to access DevPortal (e.g.,

Install DevPortal

After gathering all the necessary information (token, Client ID, and Client Secret), run the following command to install DevPortal:

vkdr devportal install \
--github-token= Add the token here
--github-client-id=Add the information here
--github-client-secret=Add the information here

Access DevPortal Locally

Access DevPortal locally at:

devportal.localhost:(Port number, e.g., 8000)/

Upon completing the installation of DevPortal, navigate and make configurations that will facilitate the management and publication of APIs. The platform offers a range of features that help accelerate development, ensure security, and promote team collaboration, such as:

Utilizing Ready-Made Templates

DevPortal offers a vast library of pre-configured templates, allowing you to create and publish APIs quickly. These templates include security configurations, authentication flows, and traffic management policies, all ready to use. This not only speeds up the development process but also ensures consistency and compliance with best practices.

Create an OAuth Application on GitHub

If you don't have the required information mentioned in the prerequisites, follow these steps:

  1. Go to GitHub and create a new OAuth application:

    • Application Name: Choose an identifiable name, such as "devportal".
    • Homepage URL: http://devportal.localhost:8000
    • Description: (Optional) Add a brief description.
    • Authorization Callback URL: http://devportal.localhost:8000/api/auth/github/handler/frame
  2. Save the Client ID and generate a new Client Secret.

Important: Replace "" with your actual domain. Note down the Client ID and Client Secret, as they will be used in the DevPortal configuration.

Create an Access Token on GitHub

If you don't have the required information mentioned in the prerequisites, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new access token on GitHub:
    • Name: An appropriate label, such as "devportal-token".
    • Expiration Date: Recommended 90 days.
    • Scopes: Select "repo" (all) and "workflow".
  2. Generate and save the token.

Caution: The token will only be displayed once, so make sure to store it in a safe place.