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VKDR Installation

In this section you will learn how to install and initialize vkdr, a lightweight CLI tool that allows safely running VeeCode DevPortal in a local containerized and isolated environment.

VKDR is quite cool!

VKDR stands for "VeeCode Kubernetes Development Runtime", a simple command-line tool that aids on running a local Kubernetes cluster and a few tools that otherwise are quite a bit cumbersome to get them right. The VKDR environment is entirely expendable, allowing you to experiment freely without worrying about long-term impacts — perfect for testing and development purposes.


Before you begin, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • A Linux or macOS shell (Windows users can use WSL).
  • A Docker engine installed on your machine (such as Docker Desktop, Docker CE or Orbstack).
  • A Git command-line tool installed on your machine.

Step 1: Install VKDR

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Run the installation script
curl -s | bash

The command above will download and install the vkdr CLI on your machine into the /usr/local/bin directory. There are versiobns for Linux and macOS (both Intel and ARM), so the script will detect your OS and install the correct version.

Step 2: Initialize VKDR

  • Initialize vkdr before using it:
vkdr init

The command above will download extra dependencies and set up the local environment in the ~/.vkdr folder.

  • (Optional) Upgrade VKDR whenever necessary:
vkdr upgrade && vkdr init

Manual Installation (Alternative)

If you prefer, you can install VKDR manually:

  1. Download the latest version from the **releases page.**
  2. Add the executable to your PATH (suggested: /usr/local/bin/).

If everything is set, proceed to the next step.