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CI/CD Plugin Tutorial

The CI/CD plugin in DevPortal is a powerful tool that allows you to automate and simplify the continuous integration and continuous delivery process in your project. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the end-user journey to utilize the CI/CD plugin in DevPortal.

The importance of the CI/CD plugin in software development

The CI/CD plugin in DevPortal plays a crucial role in software development, allowing teams to automate processes, increase code quality, and improve collaboration. Here are some key benefits of using the CI/CD plugin:

  • Automation: The CI/CD plugin automates the process of code integration and deployment, saving time and reducing the possibility of human errors. With CI/CD, teams can focus on writing quality code and let automation take care of the rest.
  • Code quality: Using CI/CD pipelines helps ensure code quality by running tests and code analysis automatically with each commit. This allows teams to identify and fix issues quickly before they become larger problems.
  • Collaboration: The CI/CD plugin in DevPortal facilitates collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams. Team members can track pipeline progress, approve or reject deployments, and resolve issues in real-time, resulting in a more efficient and cohesive workflow.
  • Continuous delivery: With the CI/CD plugin, teams can deploy more frequently and confidently, allowing new features and bug fixes to reach users faster. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and a more agile development process.


Here are the steps we will cover in this tutorial:

  1. Access the DevPortal
  2. Navigate to the catalog and filter by APIs and components
  3. Select the item with the CI/CD plugin configured
  4. Interact with the CI/CD plugin

By following these steps, you will be able to understand the importance of the CI/CD plugin in software development, improving code quality, and collaboration among teams.

Step 1: Access the DevPortal

First, log in to the DevPortal using your credentials. This will allow you to access all the features and plugins available for your project.

Step 2: Navigate to the catalog and filter by APIs and components

After logging in, go to the sidebar menu and select the "Catalog" tab. The catalog provides an overview of the components and APIs available in your project. Within the catalog, you can easily filter the available items by selecting the "API" or "Component" options. This will help narrow down the list of displayed items, allowing you to quickly find what you are looking for.

Step 3: Select the item with the CI/CD plugin configured

Browse through the list of APIs or components and choose the item that already has the CI/CD plugin configured. If you do not know how to configure the plugin and have not installed it, the support team at VeeCode Platform can help you with the installation. To explore the support plans to integrate this solution into your DevPortal, visit:

Step 4: Interact with the CI/CD plugin

After selecting the appropriate item, you can access the CI/CD plugin in two ways:

  1. Choosing the CI/CD plugin from the list of available plugins for the selected item.
  2. Viewing the CI/CD plugin in the "Overview" of configured plugins for the API or component.

Upon accessing the CI/CD plugin, you will see detailed information about the pipeline status, including recent runs, build and deployment history, and any errors that may have occurred.

You can also interact with the plugin, performing actions such as:

  • Starting a new pipeline run
  • Re-running failed pipelines
  • Approving or rejecting manual deployment steps
  • Viewing detailed logs for each pipeline stage

In summary, using the CI/CD plugin in DevPortal is an essential part of modern software development. It streamlines and optimizes the development process, enabling fast and reliable delivery of features and bug fixes. Additionally, it promotes better collaboration among teams and contributes to the creation of a high-quality software product.

Now that you possess a thorough understanding of the CI/CD plugin's significance and its application within DevPortal, we invite you to delve deeper into its practical functionality.