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Grafana Plugin Tutorial

The Grafana plugin in DevPortal is a powerful tool that allows you to monitor and visualize metrics and logs from your services. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to use the Grafana plugin effectively and take advantage of the powerful observability features it provides.

Benefits of Using the Grafana Plugin

The Grafana plugin provides several benefits to DevPortal users, including:

  • Visualization: Grafana allows you to visualize metrics and logs in real-time, providing a rich and interactive experience that helps you understand the behavior of your system.
  • Customization: Grafana provides a powerful platform for customization, allowing you to create your own dashboards and panels that are tailored to your specific needs.
  • Alerting: With Grafana, you can set up alerts to notify you when certain metrics or logs exceed specified thresholds, helping you identify issues before they become critical.
  • Ease of use: The Grafana plugin in DevPortal is easy to use and requires no additional setup, allowing you to get up and running quickly and easily.


Here are the steps we will cover in this tutorial:

  1. Accessing DevPortal
  2. Navigating to the Catalog and filtering items
  3. Selecting the item with the Grafana plugin configured
  4. Interacting with the Grafana plugin
  5. Using Grafana to view metrics, logs and traces

By following these steps, you will learn how to leverage the Grafana plugin to visualize metrics and logs from your services and gain insights to improve the performance and stability of your system.

Step 1: Accessing DevPortal

First, log in to DevPortal using your credentials. This gives you access to all the functionalities and plugins available for your project.

Step 2: Navigating to the Catalog and filtering items

After logging in, navigate to the sidebar menu and select the "Catalog" tab. Within the catalog, you can easily filter the available items by choosing either "API" or "Component". This narrows down the list, helping you quickly find the desired item.

Step 3: Selecting the item with the Grafana plugin configured

Browse through the list of APIs or components and select the item with the Grafana plugin already configured. If you're not sure how to configure the plugin, don't worry; our support team at VeeCode Platform can assist you. Just check out our support plans. Please note that access to the Grafana plugin requires a certain level of support plan. To find out more about our support plans and how to upgrade, please visit our website at

Step 4: Interacting with the Grafana plugin

Once you've selected the appropriate item, you can access the Grafana plugin in the "Overview" of configured plugins for the API or component. Upon accessing the Grafana plugin, you'll see a dashboard with a set of pre-configured panels that provide insights into the performance and behavior of your services.

Step 5: Using Grafana to view metrics, logs, and traces

You can interact with Grafana by exploring the pre-configured panels and customizing them to suit your needs. Grafana provides several features, such as:

  • Metrics: You can monitor the performance and health of your services by visualizing metrics such as response time, throughput, and error rate.
  • Logging: You can view and analyze logs generated by your services and identify issues such as errors, slow response time, or service failures.
  • Tracing: You can trace the execution of requests across multiple services and identify the source of latency and errors.

By leveraging these features, you can quickly identify issues, troubleshoot them, and ensure the performance and reliability of your system.


In conclusion, the Grafana plugin in DevPortal is a powerful tool that provides powerful observability features to monitor the performance and behavior of your services. By following the steps in this tutorial, you can leverage the Grafana plugin to gain insights into your system's performance and stability.