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Git Providers

How to Set Up Git Provider Integration

This guide explains how to integrate your DevPortal with a Git provider (such as GitHub, GitLab, or Azure DevOps) to facilitate catalog import and project generation.


Step 1: Access Git Provider Settings

  1. Open Admin UI: Access the Admin UI of your DevPortal.
  2. Navigate to Git Providers:
    • Click on "Go to settings" in the menu.
    • Select “Git Providers” from the sidebar menu. gitProviderGithub.jpeg

Step 2: Fill in Git Provider Information

  1. Enter the Required Data:
    • Complete the fields based on your chosen Git provider (GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps). Below is a table with a description of each field:
HostThe host location. Default is
TokenAuthentication token for API and operations (anonymous access if not provided).
OrganizationThe name of your organization on GitHub.
Catalog PathPath to the catalog-info.yaml file.
BranchThe branch you wish to use.
RepositoryThe repository you want to integrate with.
FrequencyTime (in minutes) for catalog update intervals.
TimeoutTime (in minutes) to automatically terminate after update requests.
Client IDYour Client ID from the GitHub account.
Client SecretYour Client Secret from the GitHub account.

For the full integration and operation of the DevPortal with GitHub, you should create and configure your authentication application(GitHub Oauth) and add the host that has been provided to you in the EC2 console. To configure your GitHub Oauth integration, please follow this step-by-step guide

Step 3: Preview the Configuration

  1. After filling in the required fields, click on "Preview" in the left-hand menu to review the information. 5.png

Step 4: Apply and Redeploy

  1. On the Preview page, verify the information, then click on "Apply and Re-deploy" to apply the new Git provider settings and redeploy the application.


Additional Important Information

  • For complete integration with GitHub, you will need to create and configure a GitHub OAuth application.
  • Add the host provided in the EC2 console when setting up the GitHub OAuth.
  • Follow the detailed GitHub OAuth configuration guide to complete the setup process.
HostThe host of the GitLab instance. The default host is set to ‘’. Please note, it’s important not to include ‘https://’ or ‘http://’ in your input.
TokenAn authentication token as expected by GitLab. The token need at least api, read_repository and write_repository scopes. If this is not supplied, anonymous access will be used.
Client IdYour GitLab clientId.
Client secretThe URL of the GitLab API. For self-hosted installations, it is commonly at https://host/api/v4. For, this configuration is not needed as it can be inferred.
Api base urlThe URL of the GitLab API. For self-hosted installations, it is commonly at https://host/api/v4. For, this configuration is not needed as it can be inferred.
BranchThe branch you want to use.
GroupGroup and subgroup (if needed) to look for repositories. If not present the whole instance will be scanned.
File nameCatalog file path.
FrequencyTime in minutes for catalog update.
TimeoutTime in minutes to timeout after the refresh request.

During this step, we will configure AzureDevops as the authenticator for the platform.

HostThe host of the GitLab instance. The default host is set to ‘’. Please note, it’s important not to include ‘https://’ or ‘http://’ in your input.
TokenAn authentication token as expected by GitLab. The token need at least api, read_repository and write_repository scopes. If this is not supplied, anonymous access will be used.
Api base urlThe URL of the GitLab API. For self-hosted installations, it is commonly at https://host/api/v4
BranchThe branch you want to use.
GroupGroup and subgroup (if needed) to look for repositories. If not present the whole instance will be scanned.
File nameCatalog file path.
FrequencyTime in minutes for catalog update.
TimeoutTime in minutes to timeout after the refresh request.

During this step, we will configure Keycloak as the authenticator for the platform.

3.After filling out the necessary information, click on “Preview” in the left-hand side menu.


4. On the preview page, you can view all the set information and redeploy the application to upload the new settings. To do this, simply click on "Apply and Re-deploy".
