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Git Providers

In this brief guide, we will provide instructions on how to set up the integration between your Devportal and your Git provider. This integration will enable easy import of catalogs and efficient generation of projects. Follow the steps below:

1. Access your devportal Admin-UI, click on "Go to settings"and select “Git providers” in sidebar menu.


2. Fill in the data according to your choice of Git provider and then click "Save".

Below, we provide a table with descriptions of the fields you need to fill in.

HostThe "host" refers to the specific location you are targeting. The default host is
TokenAuthentication token that GitHub uses in all interactions with this provider, both for the API and for direct operations. If not provided, anonymous access will be used.
OrganizationName of the organization on GitHub
Catalog pathPath to the “catalog-info.yaml” file
BranchThe branch you want to use
RepositoryRepository you want to use
FrequencyTime in minutes for catalog update
TimeoutTime in minutes to automatically terminate after the update request.
Client idYour Client ID that you generated on your GitHub account
Client secretYour Client Secret that you generated on your GitHub account

For the full integration and operation of the DevPortal with GitHub, you should create and configure your authentication application(GitHub Oauth) and add the host that has been provided to you in the EC2 console. To configure your GitHub Oauth integration, please follow this step-by-step guide

3.After filling out the necessary information, click on “Preview” in the left-hand side menu.


4. On the preview page, you can view all the set information and redeploy the application to upload the new settings. To do this, simply click on "Apply and Re-deploy".
